Sevgili Öğrencilerimiz,
2022-2023 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı Güz Dönemi İngilizce Yeterlilik Sınavı (İYS-1) 19 Eylül 2022 tarihinde, Samsun Üniversitesi Canik Kampüsünde yüz yüze düzenlenecektir. Sınav saat 10.00’da başlayacak olup, gerekli kontrollerin yapılması için, öğrenciler sınıflara yarım saat öncesinden yönlendirilecektir.
İYS-1 sınavı hazırlık okumakla yükümlü ve isteğe bağlı hazırlık eğitimi almak için başvuruda bulunmuş öğrenciler için düzenlenecektir. Ayrıca bir düzey belirleme sınavı yapılmayacaktır. Bu yüzden, öğrencilerimizin kendileri için uygun seviyelere yerleştirilmesi için bu sınava girmesi gerekmektedir. İYS-1 girmeyen öğrenciler, en alt kurdan (A1-CEFR) başlamayı kabul etmiş sayılacaklardır. İngilizce Mütercim-Tercümanlık bölümü için sınav geçme notu 70, İngilizce Mütercim-Tercümanlık dışındaki lisans bölümleri için ise sınav geçme notu 60 olarak belirlenmiştir. Başarılı olan öğrenciler bölümlerden ders alacak, yeterli puanı alamayan öğrenciler, İYS-1 başarı sıralamalarına göre seviye sınıflarına ayrılarak, İngilizce hazırlık eğitimlerine başlayacaklardır.
İsteğe bağlı hazırlık okumak isteyen öğrencilerin 12.09.2022 tarihine kadar [email protected] adresine isteğe bağlı hazırlık eğitimi alma isteklerini ve İYS-1 sınavına giriş taleplerini bir dilekçe (adı-soyadı/öğrenci no/ okula kayıt yaptırdıkları sene/ bölüm bilgeleri yazılarak) ile bildirmeleri gerekmektedir.
2021-2022 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı’nda Hazırlık sınıfı okuyup yeterli puan alamamış öğrencilerimizin 12.09.2022 tarihine kadar [email protected] adresine İYS-1 sınavına giriş taleplerini dilekçe (adı-soyadı/öğrenci no/okula kayıt yaptırdıkları sene/bölüm bilgeleri yazılarak) ile bildirmeleri gerekmektedir.
Hazırlık okumakla yükümlü ve isteğe bağlı hazırlık eğitimi almak için başvuruda bulunmuş öğrencilerimizin, İYS-1 girme ya da girmeme durumlarını aşağıdaki linkte bulunan mini anketi doldurarak, en geç 10.09.2022 tarihine kadar, yabancı diller bölümüne bildirmesi gerekmektedir.
Sınav ile ilgili bilgiler ve örnek sorular aşağıda belirtilmiştir.
Oturum | Başlangıç Saati | Bitiş Saati | Süre | Kapsamı |
I.Oturum | 10.00 | 12.00 | 120 dakika | Dinleme Becerileri
Okuma Becerileri Kelime Bilgisi Dilbilgisi |
II.Oturum | 12.30 | 13.30 | 60 dakika | Yazma Becerileri |
İngilizce Yeterlilik Sınavı 1(İYS-1)
NOT: İYS-1, “Dinleme Becerileri” bölümü ile başlayacaktır. I. Oturuma geç kalan öğrenciler, “Dinleme Becerileri” bölümü bitene kadar sınav salonuna alınmayacaklardır. Cevap anahtarında, bu bölümle ilgili herhangi bir işaretleme yapmayacaklardır. Bu hususta tüm sorumluluk öğrenciye aittir.
Örnek İYS soruları aşağıdaki gibidir. Bu sorular sizlere sadece sınav ve seviyesi hakkında fikir vermek için paylaşılmıştır.
Part I: Listening
- Note-taking
Listen and choose the correct answer.
- The lecture is mainly about ________.
- a) developments in space technology
- b) what SETI project is
- c) facts about the universe
- d) who is in space now
- There may be other intelligent life in the universe because ________.
- a) there must be Earth-like planets among 100 billion galaxies
- b) there are some signals coming to Earth from other planets
- c) astronomers know a few planets on which life is possible
- d) there are some theories supporting this idea
- While Listening
Listen and choose the correct answer
- James is trying to________.
- a) read a course catalogue
- b) sign up for classes at college
- c) register for an online course
- d) read information about courses
- James finds it really difficult to complete his degree because_______.
- a) the lessons are at the weekend
- b) he cannot find suitable classes
- c) the morning classes are not available
- d) most classes are during the working hours
Part II: Reading
You are going to read three texts and answer their questions.
Jessica Matthews went to her uncle’s wedding in Nigeria. As a Nigerian American, Jessica visited every summer to see her cousins and other family members. She was not surprised when there was a power cut, or ‘black out’ because the electricity usually went off at least once a day. She was not surprised when the family used kerosene lamps (which are smelly and unhealthy) so that the wedding could continue. But Jessica was upset by her cousins’ reaction. ‘Don’t worry about the lamps’, they said. ‘You’ll get used to them.’
Jessica didn’t understand why her cousins accepted the situation as normal. In contrast, the children around her in Nigeria thought anything was possible when it came to football. They wanted to play like Pele, like Ronaldo — and they believed this dream would come true. Jessica wished they could play and have the opportunity to change their society.
Two years after the wedding, Jessica had the idea for an invention during a science class at university. She combined the problem of power cuts with the solution of football: she wanted to build a football that created energy. Since that class in 2008, she’s been working hard to find out.
In 2011, Jessica started a company called Uncharted Play. It took several years to develop her football, and people in the sports industry said it would never work. But after many different designs, the finished football — called a Socket ball — works perfectly. It is only 28 grams heavier than a normal ball, but inside it contains special technology. The movement of the football creates power. After 30 minutes of play, the ball can power a small lamp for 3 hours. In fact, every ball comes with a free lamp too! Uncharted Play also developed a skipping rope that uses the same technology.
Jessica still sells the Socket ball, but her business has developed and grown. In the company’s New York office, Jessica has invented new products using the same idea of energy from movement.
- What does “black out” mean in the first paragraph?
- A lights out; leaving in a hurry.
- A period of time when electricity stops working.
- A feeling of consciousness after fainting.
- A period of time when electricity comes on again.
- According to the text, why was Jessica sad?
- Her cousins accepted some difficult conditions as normal.
- She believed that Nigerian children were eager to change their society.
- Football is very dominant in Nigeria and affects children badly.
- She couldn’t find any solutions to the problem of power cuts in Nigeria.
- The Socket ball _____________________________________
- was accepted by the sports industry at the beginning.
- broke down after 30 minutes at the first match.
- didn’t create power at all as expected by the inventor.
- took several years to complete and reach its final design.
- The word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________________.
- football that creates energy
- her company name
- a normal football
- a skipping rope
- Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
- The Socket ball is a bit lighter than the normal football.
- In New York, Jessica has stopped inventing new products.
- Jessica has been working on the Socket ball for a year.
- The idea for Jessica’s invention came from her experiences in Nigeria.
Part III: Use of English
- If you don’t have enough information about economy, do not ___________ your money in the stock market.
- a) save b) show c) meet d) bite
- This gold medal is the prize of a big ___________ . Congratulations, it is a great success!
- a) comment b) achievement c) reply d) request
- I like talking to Garry ___________ car is standing next to mine.
- a) which b) where c) who d) whose
- They pay for their car every month, so they don’t go on holiday. They would go on holiday if they ___________ money to the bank.
- a) doesn’t give b) didn’t give c) hasn’t given d) would not give
Part IV: Writing
You are going to choose ONE of the following topics and write a well-organized essay between 250-300 words.
- Fast-food is common all around the world nowadays. There are many reasons why people eat fast food and many results of eating fast food. What are the causes and effects of the popularity of fast-food among teenagers?